The quick and easy way to eliminate your debt

The quick and easy way to eliminate your debt.

The quick and easy way to eliminate your debt.

Shave years off your debt repayment, become debt-free in a fraction of the time, and accumulate a tax-proof nest egg with our Debt Free 4 Life™ plan.

You too can become Debt Free 4 Life™

Amortized debt has become a national crisis, even on a consumer level. People spend years paying off their debt not realizing how much extra they are paying in interest expenses. When you don't have enough money saved up to fund the lifestyle you want, it becomes super easy to acquire debt (think mortgage, credit cards, auto loans, student loans, medical debt and so on). You are not alone!

We created Debt Free 4 Life™ to help people out of this unending cycle. Long story short — DF4L™ is an innovative way to pay off debt in a fraction of the time, save thousands of dollars in interest expenses, and build a debt-free lifestyle for the rest of your life. Read more to see how DF4L™ works.

Step 1: your personalized debt elimination report

Using proprietary financial analysis software, your personal Debt Free 4 Life ™ consultant will generate a tailored debt elimination report. This report shows exactly how and when to pay each debt for the fastest repayment.

Debt FREE in

10 Years

Interest Saved In


Step 2: make your money make money

With us, you can earn dividends and a guaranteed interest rate for your money. This income will go straight to paying off your debt. And any extra funds will be added to the cash value of your insurance policy!

Step 3: accelerate debt repayment with your insurance

Debt Free 4 Life™ policies let you use the cash value of your insurance policy to essentially “borrow money from yourself.” The result? You pay your debts faster and enjoy lower interest rates on existing debt.

Step 4: happily ever after

Congrats! You’ve paid off all your debt years before you thought possible. And you’ve even saved a tidy pile of money on the side (tax-free in most cases). That’s money you can spend however you want — college fund for your kids, retirement, travel — anything at all!

Chances are, you’re paying more debt than you signed up for.

The interest rates you see, as high as they are, are almost never what you pay in practice. Why? Because interest is usually compounded. Meaning you pay interest not on the original loan amount, but on the accrued interest as well. Paying interest, on your interest. Surely there’s a better way.

And there is — DF4L™ We’ll pinpoint exactly how much interest you’re paying and show you the exact way out. DF4L ™ will have you free from debt faster than you ever thought possible. That’s our guarantee.

Make compound interest work for you

There’s more good news. Remember the compound interest we talked about earlier? It cuts both ways. You can make compound interest work in your favor, using a Specially Designed Insurance Contract (SDIC) to amplify the ability of your money to pay off debt.

Our Clients
Love Us

We help families remove financial threats that could disrupt their long term goals, happiness, and healing.

How We
Serve Families

In addition to helping individuals and families become debt and financially free for life, we also offer a multitude of other life insurance-based solutions.


Shield yourself from the financial burden a critical illness can bring


Protect your family in the event of a death or disability


Reduce or remove the financial burden from a loss of a loved one


Protect your family with traditional term or whole life policies

Retirement Plan

Achieve your financial retirement goals with a safe money solution

Debt free 4 life ™

Get out of debt in a fraction of the time to achieve financial freedom


A little saved now can potentially fund your child’s education or future needs later


The smartest strategy to create the retirement plan you always wanted for your kids


Pass your financial assets on to your heirs without the time & expense of probate


Protect your financial assets from market volatility and taxation

Small Business

Ensure your business can stay in business if something happens to you or your partner(s)

Book a consultation. It’s on the house.

Why you should book this call

  • Completely free consultation
  • No obligation to get coverage
  • Get a free quote

This one’s on us!